Donate to Siparia Open Bible Church

Donate to the Church

If you want to send money to the Siparia Open Bible Church, you can do it:

1 - Via Cheque

Write your cheque to the “ Incorporated Trustees of the Open Bible Std. Churches of T & T (Siparia) ” and send it via mail to:

Church of the Open Bible, Siparia
Corner Daisy Voisin & Alexander Streets
Trinidad (West Indies)

2 - Via Wire Transfer

You will need to provide your Bank with the following information:

– Beneficiary Bank Name: First Citizens
– Name of Account (Beneficiary): The Incorporated Trustees of the Open Bible Standard Churches Trinidad and Tobago Siparia
– Account # : 2616301
– Purpose: You can specify the purpose of your gift (i.e.: special offering, tithe, children ministry…)