Welcome to the Church of the

Open Bible Siparia

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Disciples of Christ Discipling Others

We have an inward vision with an outward mission guided by John 15.
Verse 8 : “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”
Verse 16 : “You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

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About SOBC

The Siparia Open Bible Church is a pentecostal Church located in Siparia (In the South of the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean region). The Church is a member of the Open Bible Standard Churches of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Siparia Open Bible Church (SOBC) is an evangelistic ministry which focuses on the personal and spiritual development of the individual and the family with the hope that this would impact the local community of Siparia, and by extension the Nation of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Siparia Open Bible Church is situated in the heart of Siparia and has Siparia at heart. We at the SOBC welcomes you to join us at any of our services.

Application Forms

To download our application forms for "Baby Dedication", "Baptism and Membership", "Pre-Marital Counselling" or the "Use of Facilities Agreement", click on this link:
 Application Forms to Download


The Church of the Open Bible Siparia
#13 Alexander Street, Coora Road,
Siparia, Trinidad (West Indies)
Tel: 1-868-649-0984 or 1-868-270-4188
 E-Mail: [email protected]

Copyright © Siparia Open Bible Church,